The Benefits of Offering Self-Scheduling for Patients
There really isn’t a downside to offering self-scheduling for patients. It helps reduce the number of no-shows, improves new patient experiences, and maximizes revenue. All without having to give up any of your time and reducing the burden on your staff. Don’t worry. We don’t let patients indiscriminately book time on your calendar. With Yosi, you set the dates and time ranges you are available for new appointments. Keep reading to learn about a few of the many advantages of using patient scheduling software.
Preferred by Patients
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need of self-scheduling for patients. According to (Government Accountability Office) in states tested, the use of self-scheduling for patients increased by 15x from March 2020 to February 2021. Although the number has fluctuated a bit since, the use of patient self-scheduling remains well above pre-pandemic levels and appears to be here to stay. According to Jarvis Analytics, 59-70% of patients prefer to self-schedule and are likely to continue to prefer this method after COVID restrictions are lifted. With this in mind and the knowledge that all businesses need to adjust to the new normal COVID has created, having patient scheduling software is essential for practices, hospitals, and clinics.
Fewer No-Shows
A new patient’s journey doesn’t start when they first walk through your doors, it starts long before that: with a Google search. So, having patient intake software in place means new patients have fewer steps between starting their search and booking an appointment. With how seamless Yosi Health makes patient intake, it’s important to make sure the patient’s appointment does not slip their mind as easily.
Receiving appointment reminders are the next step on a patient’s journey after scheduling their visit. Appointment reminder software automatically sends patients a text/email reminder and a calendar block. These are both a crucial step to keep the appointment top of mind and reduce no-shows.
Self-Scheduling for Patients is a Win-Win
A Salesforce report from December 2021 shows that 64% of patients equate more technology with better clinical care. From the same report, 71% of healthcare consumers feel responsible for managing their own health, with most indicating they prefer to manage it with technology. Having self-scheduling for patients means an easier transition from Google search to scheduling an appointment, which results in a better patient experience and more appointments. Having patient intake software and appointment reminder software in place creates fewer no-shows, which maximizes revenue and optimizes workflow for medical staff. On top of all that, having these systems in place translates to the patient as a higher-quality hospital or clinic. All this contributes to a win-win situation for both the patient and the hospital or clinic.
Like we said in the beginning, these are only a handful of the many advantages to using self-scheduling for patients. If you’re interested in learning more, make sure to schedule a demo or contact us today!