In the wake of the pandemic, patients have enthusiastically embraced many of the new virtual care innovations their primary care physicians and practices have implemented. The convenience and practicality of virtual healthcare solutions – from tele-health visits to contactless check-in and even patient managed scheduling innovations – have improved a significant number of patient experiences. While patients still value in-person visits with their primary care physicians, virtual healthcare solutions are still being held in high regard. 

In this article, we examine the results of a survey that gauges how these new technological solutions impacted both patient and healthcare staff experiences. 

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It took a pandemic to push healthcare practices into finally adopting a whole suite of new technologies designed to make life easier for the medical consumer. From telehealth to contactless waiting rooms, the entire spectrum of the patient experience is improving. In this article, our founder Hari Prasad speaks with Gary Drenik and gives a comprehensive overview of the changes medical practices and patients will be seeing in the very near future. 

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In the Spring of 2020, healthcare professionals were forced to go through a swift technological transformation—integrating virtual visits into their patient care plans. And with this shift came new outcomes and perspectives. On one hand, several health IT and telehealth experts were raving fans of tele-visits, claiming that it helped clinicians and practices. Not only that, but generally, healthcare providers and patients alike enjoy the convenience of it all, as well. On the other hand, some worry that until Congress canonizes the CMS’s emergency tele-visit regulations into law, we’ll never know what direction they’ll take.

In this article, Andy Oram analyzes how virtual visits have effected revenue and what experts think we should expect in the future.

See the full article here: